Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Music for your Midweek: Arcade Fire - "Here Comes the Night Time"

New video from Arcade Fire that they filmed during Carnaval in Haiti in 2014:

Arcade Fire are still as special to me as they were 10 years ago, even if they've gotten a bit silly and self-important at times. Here are some of my favorite parts from Win Butler's interview with Rolling Stone back in 2013:

Can you tell me a little bit about both parts of "Here Comes the Night Time"? Both songs are very different from each other, and build very intensely. They're kind of opposites. The second one was actually written first and it almost starts the second half of the record – kind of like after the Carnival. Both of them are very much influenced by when the sun is just starting to go down in Port au Prince, and it's really intense because most of the city doesn't have electricity so everyone is just racing to get home before dark. 
In the airport in Haiti there are always these packs of missionaries with matching T-shirts that say "God loves Haiti." And you talk to some of these people and you're like, "Oh what are you guys doing here?" And they're like, "Oh we're going to help Haiti! We're going to paint houses!" And you're like, "Well why don't you hire a Haitian to paint the houses? I guarantee they would love to paint a house." So I don't know, it's just like this mashup of missionaries and Port au Prince and that's probably it. 
Are those some of the missionaries you sing about in "Here Comes the Night Time?"
Yeah. Well there's a line in it that says, "The missionaries, they tell us we'll be left behind, we've been left behind a thousand times." 
What were you thinking when you wrote that?
Just the absurdity that you can go to a place like Haiti and teach people something about God. Like, the opposite really seems to be true, in my experience. I've never been to a place with more belief and more knowledge of God. 
On the last record you were singing a little bit about the parents' perspective. What do you think the songs have in common?
I studied the Bible and philosophy in college and I think in a certain sense that's the kind of stuff that still makes my brain work. There's an essay by Kierkegaard called The Present Age that I was reading a lot that's about the reflective age. This is like in [1846], and it sounds like he's talking about modern times. He's talking about the press and alienation, and you kind of read it and you're like, "Dude, you have no idea how insane it's gonna get." [Laughs.
What about Kierkegaard's essay did you find relevant?
It reads like it was written here, basically. He basically compares the reflective age to a passionate age. Like, if there was a piece of gold out on thin ice, in a passionate age, if someone went to try and get the gold, everyone would cheer them on and be like, "Go for it! Yeah you can do it!" And in a reflective age, if someone tried to walk out on the thin ice, everyone would criticize them and say, "What an idiot! I can't believe you're going out on the ice to try and risk something." So it would kind of paralyze you to even act basically, and it just kind of resonated with me — wanting to try and make something in the world instead of just talking about things.

There you go. I got some studying to do.

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