Friday, January 4, 2013

Because NOBODY looks cool when they're drunk...

Hey guys! Here is a friendly PSA from your favorite blogger. I'm part of the S.M.A.R.T. Coalition in Utah County; a anti-substance abuse group. We work on initiatives and publicity campaigns to specifically combat drug and alcohol abuse. They had me write a little bloggity blog about resources in the community, and... HERE IT IS!

1. The highlighted texts were supposed to be links to the websites following them. ooops.
2. I never thought it would come to this, but I think I need a professional head shot done. gross.
3. Alcohol abuse is not good.

I also had to post on the group Facebook page last week. I wanted to post these ads because they are so disturbing and great, but I thought it would be a bit much...

This first one is freaked me out pretty bad.

Please have a healthy and happy New Year!

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