Tuesday, May 12, 2015

In love with love

According to my horoscope (I'm Aquarius, if you want to know), my love life is going to go crrrrazy in May and June. Supposedly, Mars entered Gemini and the 5th house yesterday, which means WATCH OUT. But I already knew that because I'm going to Disneyland today where Tarzan, Han Solo, and *Robin Hood will all be hanging out in one place, so it will be no surprise if I fall in love.

from here

In that vein, here are a few articles about love that I can recommend for a Tuesday review. I recently rediscovered my articles-to-read folder of bookmarks, and I have over 200 to go through. Hopefully you benefit too:
"I’m constantly aware of lost opportunities. I used to think such lost opportunities were beautiful towns flashing by my train windows, but now I imagine they are lanterns from the past, casting light on what’s ahead."
The above is from a Modern Love article, several years ago, but I felt it needed revisiting.

We have to quit defining ourselves solely in relation to dudes. Like, 'I am not me—I am some imaginary man's imaginary perfect 10, plus 50 extra pounds, minus a 20-inch waist, plus a threatening commitment to feminism, minus any desire to pretend to care about bike polo! That's me!' No, that's not you. That is a weird monster you made up to torture yourself. 

From a super empowering dating manifesto from Jezebel. Warning: Language and... irreverence? Inappropriateness? Whatever. I like it.

"Most thoughts just fill up your head and distance you from the life that’s still unfolding in front of you. They’re not leading to any important decisions or insights, they’re just taking over your present moment, and possibly shortening your life on the other end too. 
We often believe that our thoughts are accomplishing something just because they’re emotionally charged, or because they’re “about” something we consider important, like fairness, respect, or the state of society. 
No. They are useful only insofar as they get you to move your body and do something useful." 

The last quote comes from this post from Raditude. So much of what keeps us back from love and relationships is our own internal narratives and concerns. And so much if that is just made up, or inconsequential. Language warning, but you can handle it.

*Come on. I know I'm not the only girl who had a crush on Robin Hood...

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